Enrolment for August/ September 2024
July 18 2023, 03:09pm

To enrol in our Adult Basic Education classes (covering e.g. Reading and Writing/Computers & Smartphones/Literacy Service) please call the Literacy office on 01-8036238 to arrange an appointment.
Registration for our Continuing and Community Education programmes will open on Monday 2nd September. You can register for your chosen subject on the day outlined below.
Enrolment for Thursday Art courses will be on 22nd Aug at 9.30am
Important to know:
- Enrolment is at KLEAR Adult Education Centre, in person.
- No pre-booking service is available.
- If you cannot attend during Enrolment Week, you can arrange for a friend to book for you but not a course member.
- If it is your first time attending a course in KLEAR, you must meet the tutor and enrol yourself.
- One ticket per person per course will be in place.
- Continuing and Community Education courses have no fees this year.
- A 'KLEAR Enrolment Form' is required to be completed on enrolment day.
- A 'Learner Detail Form' is required to be completed, usually on the first day of your course. Support will be provided.
- Check start date of courses with your tutor(s).
- Speak with our tutors to ensure course content and level are suitable.
- It is important that prospective students inform us about special requirements to support successful course placement.
Enrolment Schedule
Thur 22nd Aug 9.30am Painting & Drawing and Art For Everyone Lindsey Holland
Mon 2nd Sep 9.30am Creative Card Making Aideen Kilbride
Stained Glass Aideen Kilbride
1.30pm Irish Beginners & Intermediate Honor Clynes
Tue 3rd Sep 9.30am Irish Advanced Honor Clynes
Current Affairs Sinead O'Brien
1.30pm Mindfulness Sharon Denver
Understanding History Sinead O'Brien
Wed 4th Sep 9.30am Yoga Cormac Lennon
English Literature & Culture Rosarii Moran
Thu 5th Sep 9.30am Pilates Rachel Carberry
European Art & Artists Rosarii Moran
Fri 6th Sep 9.30am Understanding the Landscape Ann Farrell
The Arctic Past, Present & Future Ann Farrell
Please arrive early to avoid disappointment as places are limited.
Students can only register for a maximum of 2 courses. One ticket per person per course will be in place.
KLEAR will be seeking an Ancillary Costs and Energy (ACE) fee of €25 which will also cover materials such as photocopying. We respectfully request that students make payment on the same day as enrolment with our Admin staff. We accept cash, card or cheque.
For more information, call the office on 01-8671845.
All courses are subject to demand. We are unable to accept any bookings over the phone or before registration opens.